Shop & Artist Information
Both our E-shop and in person shop feature an array of art crafts and creations that are both ARTrageous originals as well as works from local artists. Take a look through the pages of this section for some amazing things!

Boxes & Craft Kit Info
ARTrageous is determined to help ART reach every household! With that as our goal we are creating take home ARTrageous BOXED Adventures and small craft kits for you!
ARTrageous wants to continue to put our community needs first even during these hard times. So we are now allowing you the opportunity to help us by donating so that we can deliver ART Boxes to families, foster homes, and senior care facilities in need.
Local & Featured Artist Info
ARTrageous works with many local artists for all sorts of events. You may see us pARTnered with a bakery for a birthday party or working with a caricature artist at our anual Thrill Kenwood event. We also feature an ARTist every month here on our website in person at both our Minneapolis & Mankato shops. Check out some of the artists we have worked with at both locations!